
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Health on the road?

On the road for the Thanksgiving holiday and giving travel health the old college try - As I sit waiting for my flight to Dallas to board, I feel a little guilty about the barbecue sandwich and mac and cheese I ate for lunch. But I have to say that it was pretty darn tasty, especially for airport food.

I've had a glass of iced tea, but don't want to drink water on top of the tea because I hate the tiny bathrooms on airplanes. Water would surely push me over the urinary cliff. My last act before boarding is usually hitting the restroom one last time.

It's times like these that you realize even the apparently simple and straightforward usually requires some level of planning. But no amount of planning could have prevented the sneezing fit that was bound to hit me in mid-flight. The itchy watery eyes. The runny nose.

Allergies kicking in to overdrive? Possibly. But as I look into the rheumy eyes of a toddler with a crackly cough and a flushed little cabbage patch face, I'm inclined to feel tainted. Ahh... Travel!

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